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Lose Weight by Connecting with Nature: Grounding and Renewal

Spending time in nature can be a deeply spiritual practice that supports your weight loss journey by reducing stress, fostering a sense of connection, and soul renewal. In our fast-paced world, we often forget the healing power of the natural world.

The science and benefits of earthing

Earthing reduces inflammation and stress hormones in the body, which allows for a sounder sleep and overall sense of well-being. Grounding or earthing is a therapeutic technique that focuses on realigning your body’s electrical energy by reconnecting to the earth. There’s little research behind grounding but smaller studies have reported benefits for inflammation, pain, mood, and more, whether it takes place on an indoor earthing mat or in various near-by nature spots. 

Incorporating nature walks into your fitness routine

While going to the gym daily builds muscle mass and contributes to a sense of well-being, a short walk in a local park or beach, greatly shifts your mood, and a greater sense of peace emerges.  Years of research has been written about the benefits of lifting weights and running, its only more recently have the benefits and science have emerged regarding the value of earthing. Some refer to earthing as “forest bathing” while others More an more folks are referring to nature as the new gym. 

The shift in seeing grounding or earthing as a means of exercise and well-being is a mind shift. Placing your bare feet on the earth, syncs the body into earth’s natural rhythms. The earth’s electrons flow into you and static inflammation from stress and anxiety dissipates. 

Creating a sacred outdoor space for meditation and reflection

Who didn’t feel stagnated in some way during Covid?  During Covid, I created a rock garden in my front yard. Each afternoon, I sat on a large rock, planted my bare feet into the grass, and then created a beautiful meditation practice. At the end of half an hour, I felt energized and shared with my friends and family the benefits of earthing. I continually touted that it was better than a caffeinated coffee from Starbucks. The rock garden was my way to reconnect with nature, capture a sense of peace and well-being and supported my frustrated appetite for food when I wasn’t hungry.  


- Designate a spot in your yard or balcony for quiet contemplation

- Incorporate natural elements like plants, stones, or water features

- Use this space for daily meditation or gratitude practices

By reconnecting with nature, you can tap into a sense of peace and perspective that supports your weight loss journey in profound ways.


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